Five signs you have a recruitment problem that can be solved by outsourcing


2021 has already delivered many new business challenges that reinforce how in times of crisis, the right team can make or break your business. Finding the right talent is crucial, not only for short term but also long-term success.

If your organisation is considering outsourcing your recruitment, it’s important to be very clear on the exact business needs that outsourcing will solve, what needs to change, and why. Here are five key recruitment-related problems that indicate you should turn to outsourcing:

1.  High turnover in a specific role or department

Keeping great talent is key to good business. Whilst there are many factors that cause attrition, if there is clear data that turnover was caused due to a poor fit of the role within the first 90 days, then the cost of this replacement and lost productivity is a factor to be considered. More importantly, it could be a sign that demonstrates your current hiring practices are not working.

2.  Lack of recruitment data

When the level of data is not readily available within an organisation, then it is not possible to identify where gaps in the hiring practices exist. Finding those root causes of your hiring problems is necessary to ensure you fill those holes. Outsourcing offers a simple solution - most RPO providers have streamlined data collation and reporting solutions and will be able to provide benchmarking data. In addition to operational recruitment data, an RPO can also provide market data to help understand the skills and candidate landscape to support your local hiring strategies.

3.  High percentage of job offer rejections

The workplace landscape is constantly shifting, and you need to adapt along with it. Talent attraction and retention efforts remain central to your business practices, as this year brings new challenges with more flexible work schedules, a shifting of traditional employee values, and the need for employee safety turning to an all-time high. When you see a large percentage of offer rejections, it’s an indicator that your recruitment process could benefit from outside support.

4.  Disparity in success filling certain skillsets versus others

Your customers are facing new problems that will require you to hire and align different types of talent to assist in solving their problems. For instance, an emphasis on diversity and cybersecurity could prove challenging for your recruitment team. Meeting these customer needs are crucial. This is a place where outsourcing could be beneficial, especially if your team doesn’t have the tools, experience or niche expertise necessary to meet these challenges.

5.  Inability to scale hiring

Never has change occurred more suddenly than the last two years. For better or worse, meeting the rapid change in talent and market conditions is critical to your organisation.  It’s possible that trying to scale hiring practices according to the needs of your business and the market landscape has exposed a lack of organisational agility – an agility that is needed so you don’t fall behind your competition. Outsourcing can be the supportive cushioning required to scale your hiring practices with success.

Interested in reading about all 11 symptoms of recruitment problems? Download our ‘Building a business case for outsourcing your recruitment’ whitepaper for more information.