Q4 2022 Tech Talent Market Update Report

Market Intelligence  •  13 December 2022

The hiring plethora has finally plateaued, and it’s taking a tsunami of tech talent with it. Previously an economic force that stayed resurgent even in the face the pandemic, the titans of Information Technology have fallen one by one, announcing cost-cutting measures that have rendered countless employees redundant. But is this proclamation of doom true across the board, especially in Asia Pacific’s economic island stronghold of Singapore?

With some companies continuing a path of aggressive expansion in the face of recent industry headwinds, and traditionally non-tech countries getting a look in on a sudden influx of talent supply, change remains the only constant in the world of Tech. What then, in this sea of uncertainty, can companies do to further their organisational goals, while capitalising on the tides and trials facing the industry of the future?

Download our RS Intelligence Q4 2022 Tech Talent Market Update to access expert insights, including:

  • Curated coverage of the quarter’s Tech hiring
  • Key recruitment trends in Q4 2022
  • All things attrition, who and when
  • Tech skills in demand
  • Industry compensation trends

And much more!

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