Media and Entertainment Market Intelligence Report

Market Intelligence  •  09 August 2022

Gain a competitive edge with our latest sector analysis. We have analysed the M&E talent market and recruitment culture, so you don’t have to.

The UK is enjoying a post-pandemic bounce, with almost £6bn being invested in film and TV production. Huge sums are being spent expanding existing studios, with vast new complexes planned. The influx of Hollywood studios and streaming giants has added to the competition for the facilities they need for fresh content. 

Add to that the talent required too, 36% of employers saw recruitment as a serious or very serious issue last year. In a highly candidate-led market, Media firms are looking to alternative routes to talent, upskilling, retraining and increasing freelance sourcing abilities to name a few. 

It is anticipated that 40,000 jobs will need filling within the sector by 2025. As investment continues, as will the need to address talent gaps. 

Our latest M&E Sector report you will understand and contextualise the UK hiring market and can help reduce the risks involved when it comes to sourcing talent. 

This high-level report covers: 

  • Hiring trends
  • Market considerations 
  • Location nuances
  • Candidate motivations 

A helpful tool to guide your hiring strategy particularly if you are looking at potential locations for a new production studio or content hub. 

Interested in more insights?  

The MI team at Resource Solutions can provide detailed talent supply & demand analytics to help you hiring community make smarter decisions. Through RSIntelligence, our proprietary data & insights app – you will have a visual representations of talent supply and demand within a particular role, skillset or location. 

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