Global Insurance Market Intelligence

RSIntelligence  •  13 July 2023

The Insurance industry has become an increasingly difficult market to hire in. Employee numbers have declined since 2020 as the job market tightened, and now, more than two-thirds of Insurance carriers plan to increase their personnel count over the next 12 months.

Produced by our RSIntelligence team the Global Insurance Sector Market Intelligence Report analyses some of the critical global trends set to impact the industry – an ageing industry workforce, layoffs, automation, and employee attrition. The report deep-dives into the APAC, US, UK and Europe insurance markets and covers:

  • Global analysis of industry growth and retraction by location
  • Analysis of some of the largest Insurance players
  • Industry skills in-demand and skills-gap analysis

Download your copy to get insights into the key factors impacting the global insurance sector market. 

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